About Syrian Democratic Alternative

The Syrian Democratic Alternative (SDA) is a political organization dedicated to promoting real democratic change in Syria. Our goal is to put an end to the war and establish a free, democratic, and modern state with a constitutional framework. Join us in our fight for a better Syria.

Human Rights For Future signage
Human Rights For Future signage
a group of people walking down a street next to a flag
a group of people walking down a street next to a flag

Freedom and Equality

Our principles

a car driving down a road
a car driving down a road

We believe in the fundamental principles of freedom and equality for all Syrians, regardless of their background or beliefs. Our aim is to create a society where every individual has the right to express themselves and live without discrimination.

Peaceful Resolution

We advocate for a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Syria. Through dialogue and negotiation, we aim to bring an end to the war and establish a stable and peaceful future for our country.

Democratic Governance

We strive for a democratic form of governance in Syria, where the power lies with the people. Our goal is to establish a modern constitutional state that respects the rule of law and protects the rights and freedoms of its citizens.

man standing near white wall
man standing near white wall

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woman in blue denim jeans and white sweater sitting on gray sofa
woman in blue denim jeans and white sweater sitting on gray sofa
woman looking back while smiling
woman looking back while smiling

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